May 2, 2017 Dr. Jennifer Vazquez-Bryan Big Talk An Arsenal to Battle Spring Allergies May 2, 2017 Dr. Jennifer Vazquez-Bryan Big Talk Allergy season is upon us, along with the misery it brings.Dr. Vazquez-Bryan has tips for giving you some relief.
February 7, 2017 Dr. Jennifer Vazquez-Bryan Big Talk Dr. Vazquez' Big Talk on Colds February 7, 2017 Dr. Jennifer Vazquez-Bryan Big Talk Nooooo...I’m not going to get sick! I can’t...I refuse. Grrr...I hate getting a cold. Aaugh.It seems everyone has a stuffy nose and can’t stop coughing this year. Let’s talk about some things that can make this miserable time a bit easier.
January 26, 2017 Dr. Jennifer Vazquez-Bryan exercise Get Moving and Exercise January 26, 2017 Dr. Jennifer Vazquez-Bryan exercise With the start of the New Year, come new resolutions to improve ourselves. Many people are often interested in starting an exercise program. Here are a few tips and ideas to get you moving more in 2017.
January 8, 2017 Catherine Agricola recipe Breakfast Cassarole January 8, 2017 Catherine Agricola recipe Start your day off right with this convenient Breakfast Casserole. Just reheat a piece in the microwave and you have a very quick, filling breakfast.
October 13, 2016 Catherine Agricola media Goshen Chronicle Article - Oct 2016 October 13, 2016 Catherine Agricola media Because 15-minute doctor's visits 'just don't work'Dr. Jennifer Vazquez-Bryan offers direct primary care, with monthly fees instead of insurance and more time with the doctor